Sunday, September 8, 2013

US resolution on Syria

The Syria war resolution drafted by members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee permits up to 60 days of military action against the Bashar al-Assad regime and does not permit any boots on the ground. Senator Robert Menendez, chairman of the committee, after successfully negotiating with ranking member Bob Corker on the resolution said that, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has crafted a bipartisan Authorisation for the Use of Military Force that we believe reflects the will and concerns of Democrats and Republicans alike. However, the text of the draft resolution was not officially released.
The resolution, among other things, permit the deployment of a small rescue mission in the event of an emergency. Mr. Menendez said the resolution gives U.S. President Barack Obama the authority he needs to deploy force in response to the Assad regime’s criminal use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people. The resolution also assures that the authorisation is narrow and focussed, limited in time, and assures that the Armed Forces of the U.S. will not be deployed for combat operations in Syria.

Where the world countries stand on Syrian issue?

Their stand on Syria
Want to attack as early as possible
Prime Minister likes to attack but the Parliament rejected it.
President likes it but the members of National Assembly rejected it
Strictly against any type of military intervention
Supports USA
Strictly says no interventions
Stays away from any type USA interventions
Against military intervention

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