Sunday, February 19, 2012


In the last decade we have established or in process of establishing various central and specialized agencies like NTRO , NIA , proposed NATGRID sytem , NCTC , etc. While there is no doubt that we need to
improve our coordination, technical intelligence abilities , facilitate intelligence data-sharing but all such efforts will not give us desired results unless we improve grassroot level human intelligence and policing. NCTC is supposed to facilitate intelligence data sharing , but do we really have enough intelligence data to share ?
A common observation is our grassroot level Police forces are overburdened, lack necessary training. For example , in case Bihar has less than one fourth of the required numbers in Police Force. We must realize that the “Beat Constable” is the backbone of our security system. Our intelligence and counter terrorism capabilities ultimately depends upon motivation and capabilities of grassroot level policemen and their social-network who provide us with necessary intelligence input (Remember it was a shepherd who had detected Kargil invasion, not our intelligence agencies).Role of Human Intelligence and grassroot level police cannot be ignored. Thus when we do not have enough intelligence data ,what are we going to share?Without improvements in grassroot level policing , all these specialized central agencies will become isolated islands of excellence detached from reality. The first step is to improve our police force, though law and order is a state subject , centre should prescribe minimum standards for training , police to population ratio , provide
financial assistance to states to improve police capabilities. Further,when we are giving powers to arrest someone to an intelligence agency then we must also ensure that possibility of political misuse of this power is eliminated. In past we have intelligence agencies and NTRO monitoring communication of political opponents including during UPA's trust vote during Indo-US nuclear. It seems that 'some' personnel in intelligence agencies are more interested in impressing their political masters rather than gathering terror related information.
Before giving powers of arrest to any intelligence agencies , we must ensure that intelligence agencies are immune from political interference,(remember we have a minister in India who associates terrorism with
color of a religion for his political purposes ) . No democratic society gives such powers to an intelligence agency. Even in US ,NCTC has no such powers of arrest. If in India we need to give such powers , then we much ensure that chances of political interference is minimized.
So to summarize, We need to take care of three important points
*Without improving grassroot Police and Human Intelligence abilities , all central specialized agencies  will not be of much use . First step is to improve our police forces.
* Before giving powers to arrest to an intelligence agency eliminate or atleast minimize any chances of  political intervention
* Don't blindly follow the US model of formation for multiple intelligence agencies and Technical Intelligence, in Indian context Human Intelligence is equally (if not more important) important

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